Connect with your food business neighbours

Experiences, stories, best practices and better decisions

Connect with your food business neighbours

Experiences, stories, best practices and better decisions

Connect with your food business neighbours


Experiences, stories, best practices and better decisions


Welcome in good company

  • Together to better understand the rapid changes in our industry
  • Share our experience, stories and best practices to make better decisions
  • Get answers to complex, specific questions that can't be answered with a Google search.
  • not be left alone with our challenges and problems of entrepreneurship

All to build the businesses of our dreams and help shape the food system of tomorrow.

Uncomplicated exchange with food businesses

We bring the food scene together in one place to quickly clarify insights and questions you can't Google.

Access to events and workshops

workshops, best practice talks and events on important topics (hygiene certification, marketing, etc.)

curated for you

Through our platform, all your conversations are organised into topics and are easy for everyone to find. You can easily join the conversation at any time and it won't get lost in a 34-message Whatsapp feed.

Uncomplicated exchange with food businesses

We bring the food scene together in one place to quickly clarify insights and questions you can't Google.

Access to events and workshops

workshops, best practice talks and events on important topics (hygiene certification, marketing, etc.)

curated for you

Through our platform, all your conversations are organised into topics and are easy for everyone to find. You can easily join the conversation at any time and it won't get lost in a 34-message Whatsapp feed.

Become part of our community

Herd Online is for all those who

work in an Austrian food business. Whether producer, restaurant, caterer, retail products or something else. Ideal for every stage - whether start-up or scale-up.

Want to openly share their experiences and storieswith other food entrepreneurs.

are motivated to continue to grow and learn - as a business, but also as people.

Are willing to give something back to the community when asked for their expertise.

Current events


Branchenworkshop – Food/Gastronomie

Wirtschaftsagentur Wien Mariahilfer Straße 20, Wien, Wien, Österreich

Einwöchiges Workshop-Programm für Gründer*innen und Jungunternehmer*innen (Voraussetzung: nicht länger als ein Jahr bestehend). Arbeiten Sie gemeinsam mit erfahrenen Business-Coaches/Expert*innen an Ihrer Geschäftsidee, um etwaiges Innovationspotenzial Ihrer Unternehmung zu erkennen und zu realisieren.

Foodpreneurs Meet-up @ Unverschwendet

Unverschwendet Marktstand am Schwendermarkt in Wien

Foodpreneurs Community Meetup - Wie immer geht es bei dem Meet-up um lockeres und lustiges Networking und gegenseitiges Produkte-Probieren! Diesmal zu Gast bei Unverschwendet.

Foodpreneurs Meet-up @ Unverschwendet

Unverschwendet Unverschwendet, Wien, Wien, Austria

Die lokale Food Business Szene trifft sich wieder zum gemeinsamen Austausch. Diesmal zu Gast bei Unverschwendet.Liebe Foodpreneurs,Es ist schon eine Weile her, seit wir das letzte Community Meetup hatten!Deshalb laden […]

SPAR – Demo Day

Herd Open Kitchen

Hast du das richtige Produkt für den Einzelhandel? Diesmal laden wir gemeinsam mit Spar 6 ausgewählte Startups/Produkte ein, um sich zu präsentieren und eventuell in ihren Supermärkten gelistet zu werden. […]

Hygieneschulung am 25.07.2024

Herd Open Kitchen Meeting Raum

Kostenlose Hygieneschulung der Firma Piru mit zertifizierten Abschluss.

Partner programmes

As a one-stop shop for projects in the food sector, we are always looking for partnerships with experts, institutions and brands who share our vision and want to support food start-ups.